Maryanne Parker is a celebrity coach and award winning entrepreneur, a philanthropist and the founder of Manor of Manners, a company that specializes in International Business, Social and Youth etiquette. She has almost a decade of experience in successfully serving the diverse requests of luxury brands, corporations and individuals. She is the author of two number one international bestselling books "The Sharpest Soft Skill" and "Posh Overnight". Parker speaks often on the topic of etiquette and she spoke recently at Carnegie Hall, sharing the stage with Life style Queen Martha Stewart, Harvard Club of Boston and NASDAQ on entrepreneurial conferences held at these venues. Maryanne has been featured in Forbes, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times. Martha Stewart, Metropolitan, Bloomberg, USA Today, NBC, ABC, FOX, E!Entertainment and many more. Maryanne studied etiquette and protocol with International Etiquette Schools in Brussels, London and Washington DC.
New dates to be announced soon
Learn How to get attention for Your Brand .
I know how important the brand positioning is, and it’s especially critical for anyone
who’s new to the field of etiquette consulting. Using a PR agency can be extremely
expensive, but it can be worth every penny because PR professionals know how
important it is for your business to be in the news so potential clients are
able to find you. After all, if people don’t know about your business, they can’t
purchase your product or service.
Positioning is completely different today than it was 10 or 20 years ago. You need to become KNOWN! For us in the US, time is money, and we do value your time and your money. Many people say the Internet makes it a lot easier to be visible to your audience, which is very true. But the Internet is available to everyone, not just you, so how can you captivate your audience and position your company above the competition? Should you still keep competing? Of course you should!
You don’t need to have the best product to be visible. Of course, you have to have a great product, but the best one? Definitely not. And you don’t have to be in business for many years to have confidence in your ability to compete. A lot of companies that relied on traditional, unchanging positioning aren’t even in business any longer.
With my depth of knowledge and experience, I can help you position your company quickly and effectively. I have been featured in a variety of forums, including Martha, O, the Oprah Magazine, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, international marketing publications, radio, and many more. If you’re ready to take your business to the highest level, reach out to me at
If you’re not getting value from your current PR agency, you need to look for other ways to consistently keep your brand relevant. You have to create your own unique brand and find creative ways to captivate your audience’s interest. It requires work, consistency, perseverance, and, of course, effective techniques. Here’s where I come in. I can help you position your company and your brand on your own.
We’ll talk about your company’s name, your competition, and how to find creative ways to dominate your market. We’ll examine how to use your website to be powerful and influential. You’ll learn about hosting events as well as traditional networking, especially how to recognize the strengths in your own networking style and use those in the best way possible. We’ll talk about different styles of communicating on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) and how to write engaging blog posts (e.g., which topics to include and how to structure them).
I’ll show you how to write a great press release and which platforms are best for your messaging. I’ll teach you how to form strong relationships with influential journalists and editors and keep them close—they’re your power base. I’ll give you pointers and share the crucial elements I’ve identified that lead to success—my “secret sauce,” charity do's and don’ts. Bonus: writing a book to promote your brand.
Reach out to me today. I want you to succeed!
Contact Paola for more information at: